Download this Direct Loans General Forbearance Request Form that has been created specifically to assist those who have federal education loans but are unable to make the payments. Completion of this form will provide an opportunity for the owner of the loan to receive added time to begin repayment.
How To Write
Step 1 – Borrower’s Information –
Begin by providing the information required in the “borrower’s information” section as follows:
- Last name – First name – Middle Initial
- Street Address
- City, State, Zip Code
- Social Security Number
- Home Phone Number with area code
Step 2 – Section 1 – Forbearance Request –
- Forbearance means an arrangement to postpone or reduce the amount of a borrower’s monthly payment for a limited and specific time period. The borrower is charged interest during a forbearance. A forbearance is available to a borrower or an endorser who is willing but unable to make currently scheduled Direct Loan payments due to a temporary financial hardship.
- To request a forbearance, please complete the items below, sign and date this form, and return it to the Direct Loan Servicing Center. (Please note that all references to “borrower” apply to an endorser on a Federal Direct PLUS Loan.)
- I am willing but unable to make my current Direct Loan payments due to a temporary financial hardship.
- If this forbearance is approved, I choose to (check the appropriate box)
- On the lines provided, explain why you are requesting forbearance (briefly)
- Provide a time span in which you feel you will need forbearance – you may not exceed one year – after one year reapplication is possible
- Enter the dates from and to that you are requesting
Step 3 – Read and Provide Signature –
- Read all of the information prior to signing the form. Be certain you understand what you are signing. Once read and if you agree the borrower must provide their signature and date
- Read the privacy act and all other information so that you properly understand your rights