Download the Meijer Job Application Form that is an application made available for anyone who feels they may be eligible for a position with Meijer. Simply complete this application. Once completed take to a local Meijer and hand it to a member of management for an opportunity for employment consideration.
How To Write
Step 1- Section 1 – General Information –
Begin by placing the date of application at the top of the page. Continue by providing the following:
- Last Name, First Name, MI
- Social Security Number
- Address
- Home Telephone Number
- City, State, Zip
- Message Telephone (a number where a message could be left )
- Position Applied for
- Salary Desired
- Date Available to begin
- Hours Available – check all that apply
- Will you be able to perform the essential job functions of the position you are applying with or without reasonable accommodations? check yes or no
- If you’re hired, will you be able to work overtime hours? check yes or no
- Are you at least 18 years of age? check yes or no
- Have you ever been convicted of a crime, excluding misdemeanors and traffic offenses, which has not been annulled, expunged or sealed by court? A yes response does not automatically disqualify your application. If yes, please explain in the block provided below.
Step 2- Section 2- Education Information –
This area will address educational experiences. Provide the following information:
- School
- Address
- Major Studies
- Degree/Diploma/License or Certification (you must list type and date)
- High School
- Vocation/Business/Other
- College/University
- College/University
- Graduate
- Other Special Knowledge, skills or any specific qualifications that may be consistent with any of the positions available -(list also, any construction or manufacturing equipment, office skills, technical equipment or other special training)
- Military Service (list dates, ranks and training)
For Clerical Applicants-
- Do you type? check yes or no- If yes- how many words per minute?
- List any computer skills with both hardware and software
Step 3- Section 3 – Employment History –
Beginning with your current or most recent position ,list at least 4 employers. All information must be completed. Feel free to attach a resume, but not in place of completing the required information on this application. The following information is required:
- Is this your current employer? check yes or no
- Does this company have permission to contact this employer?
- Employed From and To
- Job Title
- Starting Salary
- Ending Salary
- Employer Name
- Address
- Supervisor’s Name
- Supervisor’s Phone
- Job Duties and Responsibilities
- Reason for Leaving
Step 4- Section 4 – Other Information –
- Volunteer Activities – organization, type of service, dates
- Provide information in the lines provided
- Hobbies, Interests- optional
Step 5- Section 5 – Certification and Authorization –
Read the information at the end of this application. If you understand and agree with this information, provide:
- Applicant’s Signature
- Date of SIgnature