Download this Monthly Expense Report Form that has been created to easily track monthly income and expenses. Retain your receipts on a monthly basis and record them into this form. The form and the information you provide, will provide innumerable benefits from learning your spending habits to making changes that could make considerable financial changes in your business/home.
How To Write
Step 1 – Step 1 – Gross Income Per Month –
- Salary
- Interest
- Dividends
- Other
- Other
- 1. Tithe
- Tax- estimated- including Federal, State, FICA
Step 1 – Step 1 – Net Spendable Income
- 3. Housing
- Mortgage or Rent
- Insurance
- Taxes
- Electricity
- Gas
- Water
- Sanitation
- Telephone
- Maintenance
- Other
- Other
- 4. Food –
- 5. Automobile(s)
- Payments
- Gas and Oil
- Insurance
- License/Taxes
- Maintenance/Repair/Replace
- 6. Insurance
- Life
- Medical
- Other
- 7. Debts
- Credit Card
- Loan and Notes
- Other
- Other
- 8. Entertainment/Recognition
- Eating Out
- Baby Sitters
- Activities/Trips
- Vacation
- Other
- Other
- 9. Clothing
- 10. Savings
- 11. Medical Expenses
- Doctor
- Dentist
- Drugs
- Other
- 12. Miscellaneous
- Toiletries and cosmetics
- Beauty/Barber
- Laundry/Cleaning
- Allowances, lunches
- Gifts
- Cash
- Internet
- Other
- Other
- 13. Investments
- 14. School/Child Care
- Tuition
- Materials
- Transportation
- Day Care
- Other
Calculate Total Expenses and enter into the line provided
Calculate Income Versus Expenses
- Net Spendable Income
- Less Expenses
- Enter final total