Download the MetLife Annuity Withdrawal Form that is used to request withdrawal from an owner’s annuity account. Complete this form with the required information. Provide all required signatures and send or fax for review for withdrawal.
How To Write
Step 1 – Things to know before you begin –
- Take the time to read this information prior to completing this form
Step 2 – Section 1 – Contract Information –
- Provide the following information:
- Annuity contract number
- First Name, Middle Name, Last Name
Owner Information –
- First Name, Middle Name, Last Name
- Social Security Number or TIN
- Telephone Number
- Check the box if this is a change of address
- Street Address
- City, State, Zip Code
Step 3 – Section 2 – Type of Withdrawal –
- After carefully reading this entire section, so that you understand the importance of making wise withdrawals, you may then request that the transaction be process by completing this section and checking the appropriate boxes that would apply.
Step 4 – Section 3 – Source of Withdrawal –
- Enter the source of the withdrawal from your portfolio and the percentage
- If no source is indicated, the withdrawal will be made from each portfolio or account in the proportion that it bears to the total account balance
Step 5 – Section 4 – Special Instructions –
- This section will address whether or not you would like to make withdrawal made to Met Life for long term care. If this is your choice, you will need to check the appropriate box and supply your account number(s)
- If there will be any remarks or other special instructions with this request, place them in the “remarks” area provided
Step 6 – Section 5 – Alternate payment instructions
- There are some accounts that will not allow Met Life to send funds to a checking account. Read all of the information in this section. If you choose to or are able to proceed, complete the information in the following blocks:
- Bank Name and Address
- Bank ABA Routing Number
- Bank Account Number
- Check the appropriate box to which account funds should be place into
- Account Holder’s First Name, Middle Name, Last Name
- If there are any remarks, place them in the area provided for remarks
Step 7 – Section 6 – Federal Income Tax Status And Withholding
- Met Life will be required to withhold Federal Income Tax at the rate of 10% of the taxable portion of payments. Read this section carefully so that tax information is understood prior to proceeding. Once you have read and understand the information and choose to proceed, check the appropriate box that best fits your selection
- Once you have read the information and made your selection, you will need to read the important information prior to providing signature(s) as follows:
- Owner’s Signature and Date mm/dd/yyyy
- Joint Owner’s Signature ( if there is one) and Date mm/dd/yyyy
- Medallion Signature Guarantee
- The remainder of this section is for internal use only
Step 8 – How to Submit –
After you have carefully read and provided all of the proper information, you will need to submit your form as follows:
- Mail this form to:
- MetLife – Annuities
- P.O. Box 10342
- Des Moines, IA 50306-0342
- Overnight mail only:
- MetLife – Annuities
- 4700 Westown Parkway,
- Ste 200
- West Des Moines, IA 50266
- Fax your documents to 877-547-9669
Step 9 – Read All Remaining Information Carefully