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Download New York Irevocable Living Trust Form which provides continuity, privacy and flexibility as you plan for the dissemination of your assets to your loved ones.  A trust, unlike a will, is a private document.  A trust can be drafted with specific provisins on the timing, method and purpose of fund disbursements to your loved ones.  For instance, you may want to make sure your kids get through college before they are allowed their full share of the property, but until that time, you are willing that some of the funds be disbursed for education expenes only.  Thereore, a trust is flexible.  A trust is also continuous, in that it lasts as a separate entity after the grantor dies.  The trustee of the trust has a fiduciary obligation to the beneficiaries.  An irrevocable trust is not meant to be changed or revoked during the grantor’s life.

