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Download the Marshalls Job Application Form which is a form used by an applicant to potentially obtain employment with Marshall’s. Once this application is completed, one should have provided enough information for management to know if a candidate is or is not eligible for a position with the company after all appropriate investigation. Should one choose to use this application and will be handwriting to complete the application, you must print inside the blocks and you must use ink.

How To Write

Step 1 – Section 1 – Personal Data –

Begin by placing the date the application is being completed or “Today’s Date” (mm/dd/yyyy). If you have been referred by someone, place their name on the second line at the top in the “referred by” line.

Provide the following information as required:

  • Enter your name (last, first middle name)
  • Current Address – Street and number, city state, zip code
  • Previous Address –  Street and number, city state, zip code
  • Enter Preferred Name or Nick Name (optional)
  • Home Telephone Number
  • Cell Phone Number (optional)
  • Email Address (optional)
  • Have you ever applied to A.J. Wright, HomeGoods, Marshalls, T.J. Maxx or The TJX Companies, Inc.? (check yes or no) If yes provide the dates
  • Have you ever worked for A.J. Wright, HomeGoods, Marshalls, T.J. Maxx or The TJX Companies, Inc.? (check yes or no) if yes, provide dates and location
  • Do you know anyone who works for any of the TJX divisions? (check yes or no) If yes, provide the name of the person you know in the company
  • How were you introduced to the company? Check applicable boxes
  • If hired, and you are under 18, are you able to furnish a work permit? (check yes or no)
  • If hired, can you provide proof of identify and authorization to work in the United States?

Step 2 – Section 2 – Employment Desired –

  • Position you are applying for
  • Date Available for work
  • Total hours available per week
  • What type of work are you looking for? – Check the appropriate box(es)
  • Are you willing to relocate? Check yes or no – If you are willing to relocate, where will you relocate? Are you willing to travel?
  •  Complete the chart of days you will be willing to or will be available to work.

Step 3 – Section 3 – Experience –

Please provide accurate and complete information. Begin with the present or most recent employer, to include self-employment, any part-time work, military employment and/or any work performed as a volunteer. Account for your entire employment history, including significant gaps in employment. All information must be included, even if you are attaching a resume.

  • Provide all required information as follows for all four sections, add sheets if necessary:
  • Employer
  • Work Performed
  • Address (of employer) Street, City State
  • Telephone Number(s)
  • Job Title – Supervisor
  • Reason for Leaving
  • Dates Employed – From – To
  • Hourly/Salary- Staring and Final
  • Complete all blocks in the same way with any previous employers

Step 4 – Section 4 – Education –

  • Circle the highest grade completed: Elementary, High School, College
  • Name of High School Attended- Check appropriate box.
  • College- List all regardless of whether or not a degree was achieved
  • Are you willing to provide permission to verify this information?

Step 5 – Section 5 – Skills and Qualifications –

  • Check all boxes that apply to your skills and experience
  • List any special training and/or experience relevant to the possible position

Step 6 – Section 6 – Security –

  • Have you ever been convicted or a felony? Check yes or no and follow further instructions
  • If yes, provide details on the lines provided
  • Have you ever taken any merchandise, money or property from an employer without asking?
  • If yes, provide details on the lines provided

Step 7 – Section 7 – Signature –

  • Read all of the information included in this section before signing. You will be required to sign and date in this section, twice, so read all of the information, prior to providing signature
  • Once read and understood, if you agree, provide signature and date of signature

Step 8 – Section 8 – Disclosure and Acknowledgement AND Acknowledgement and Authorization-

  • Read all of the information in this section as you may be required to undergo a background check, do not sign prior to reading, understanding and agreeing.
  • If you read and agree, provide the following:
  • Full Name
  • Other Names/ Alias’
  • Current Address
  • Signature – Date – mm/dd/yyyy

Step 9 – Section 9 – Attention –

  • If you are provided and offer that you accept be prepared to present the following:
  • Social Security Number
  • Date of Birth
  • Driver’s License Number
  • State of Driver’s License
  • Ask for a copy of the information as well as a copy of your rights under the fair debt reporting act


